Today I thought I would share with you a peak into my crazy decorating world. I don't proclaim to be a decorator at all, I just like to move things and paint a lot!
Most of you who know me from my personal blog would have seen some of these pictures before, but not in a story like this.
I will commentate how a brand new house (now 12 months old) has received THREE makeovers in the office already.
This is how it looked on the very first day...blank canvas.

The 3 photos above are how it first looked. Ok, it's gross. I was going through my 'black and green' stage. Readers need to know that this little ‘duck’ waits for nothing. Nope, I do not sit back looking at an empty room; I find ALL the crap left over in my house and throw it together. I am not one of those normal people that waits until I have enough money to do something special or fantastic... I do not sleep very well knowing there is an empty room. Poorly done Katrina, I know.
Oooooo... looky here.. it's my 'pink and something' stage. Again, just a shuffle of random left-over bits in my house. The chalkboard was cool, but I just slapped that paint straight on the wall (don’t even ask how I got it off – think electric sander).
I must explain the desk bench and shelf. I had a brainwave (I have these often, whether they are successful or not is another story). I had seen on TV where someone bought a door from Bunnings and used this. So I made my husband buy a series of doors and brackets, and drill massive holes into the walls of our newly built house. Was he happy? No, but I am the boss. Next picture please...
What have we here? Hmmm.... was my husband right? Could I admit to him that the whole office looked awful and rushed? Yes, I had to. I had to admit this to him so he would pull every bit of it down and start again (this time I had saved some money!). So now the process began of filling up all the holes - in our newly built, less than 6 months old house.
What is he doing?? Ssshhhh... please DO NOT say anything about that piece of devon on his head (aka bald spot). He is tricking us here in the photo; he did not do this wall! So what's the wall all about anyway? It's paint (not a sticker). I saw this idea over here and I decided I had to do one. I stayed up late one night sketching it all on and with a fine paint brush I started filling it in. I was a nervous wreck. I had never done anything like it before.
Coming together and making a big mess as I go!
And... finished! Oh gee I was so happy! The paint was ‘Taubmans Shale Grey’.
So in went some new furniture I saved to buy, and a few other bits and pieces. With some fancy photography I think it's looking pretty good. What do you think?
Watch the vlog above to see me talk about it only for about 1 minute (warning - turn DOWN your speakers - I have irritating loud voice, I know this!)
Last days to enter our Giveaway - hundreds of entries!
Also, I will be chatting with the gang at The Decorating Forum today.
You are a serial decorator! Three different versions of the same room in 12 months. I definitely prefer the final version.
Gee, there's a lot of changes there! The last one is definitely the best - it's a ,uch more functional space. The desks are great :)
Hi Katrina. I loved this post. It's always inspiring and helpful to see the evolution of a room. I only just started taking pictures of my house last month when I began my blog so I can't look back like that yet. Your study looks so great now.
And what do you mean you don't call yourself a decorator? I think you definitely deserve the title!
Very entertaining post :) Love the final look and your so game for taking on the painted mural - it looks fantastic!
Yeah, I do this. Not on quite such a grand scale, but I tend to spend a lot of my weekends moving stuff from one room to another and back again.... Loving the last version!
Love all the looks, and particularly the wall mural in the current 'version' - you clever thing! The shade of grey is great, thanks for sharing the details.
I love that you jump right in Katrina and JUST DO IT. That's decorating from the heart. And with a lovely hubby who is happy to patch up holes - why wouldn't you!!! Love the painted wall scene too.
Awesome! It's amazing really how different it looks from first pic to last :)
Hey, I understand the "changing the room" bug...
Great job!
Katrina, you are a decorator....and a good one.
Look at how inspiring that office space is to people. Accept the title and roll with it.
I think your Green and black stage was also very nice but the final(probably not final)style looks fantastic.
Great post by the way.
No matter how many times I see your office wall I still love it. Thanks for the chuckle whilst going through your stages :)
Your voice is exactly how I imagined it to be. Thanks for sharing.
It's always nice to see one room different ways - I struggle with all my rooms - I am never happy! Your's looks great - wall especially!
3 looks in 12 months. Why not! It looks great. So neat and calming. I can imagine I would get heaps of work and blogging done in there.
They say you have to break a lot of eggs to make an omelette. (I think that's correct...) I do the same thing. Mood and energy take me in all kinds of places in my house and yard!
I'm loving the wall, how cool is that? I love your voice too! I have to let my son see it because he is obsessed with anything Australian! Love your mannequin, it gives a feminine touch in the office!
You are wonderful. I love all the looks actually and am like you in that i just find what i already have and move it around. Brilliant if you ask me and costs little..Mel xxx
I love the final version of the room the most. I particularly love the wall scene! Wish I could do that in our place!
Fantastic work Katrina!
Love the latest look Katrina BUT how long will it stay like that. You really need another trip to Melbourne well actually the Mornington Peninsula to come and makeover my house and declutter the cr-p.
Thank you for sharing that. I love seeing the transformations. I love that you painted that wall yourself - I have always thought it was a sticker of sorts. You are so clever. xx
Katrina I love the way your write and love the way you decorate too! I also have a habit of moving things around alot! so much so my husband given me strict instructions while pregnant not to NOT move anything! He even has the kids spying on me and telling me off if he isn't around.
I like all of your versions of the room but agree the wall you painted and the glass desks do a great deal of justice to your last room makeover.
I've always admired your office space Katrina but didn't realise it had undergone quite so many transformations in its short life!! :) I definitely like the latest version best and adore your silhouette skyline. There are several pieces in your office I'd love to get my hands on like that gorgeous cupboard and the turqouise chair. All looks fab!! x
Your idea simply excellent
Hey I'm new here. Forum looks great.
good shared
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